such a jerk~

assalamualaikum readers~ puass !

why did she felt satisfied ? who are you to know haa ? stalker haa ? it's okay lahh , i'll answer haa stalkersss;)

kaw rabun buta tak nampak new-look bloggie aku ni ? i'd changed here i change there , i touch-up here i tacap there . don't you see all the warnawarni in this nenek's blog haa ? whatta jerk~ i don't speak idiot lahh~ such a broken englit ! englit haa zatil ? DANG PERKEHH~

okay , STOP making your readers and the stalkers at the back there feel annoying ! stop it syikin !
did you got my message in this post ? for sure lah no syikin~

the TRUTH is , i had already update ( not upgrade haa ) my blog lah . i like it~ how about you ? no haa ? sebab apa ? sebab blog kaw lagi lawa kan ? kan ? i don't care lah~ saya tak kisah . awak kisah  ? tidak ? bagus , kita sependapat .
credit for someone;
*mind your own business dear~ jangan nak kapochee lah bendabenda kecil*


  1. ohoii..
    sape buli kau ni..
    meh sini jumpe aku..
    bia aku jentik-jentik hidung dia..

  2. winkwink~ camne kaw boleh taktau sape ni ? ;)
